Drive up to the Crawford County Hunger Fighters Food Give Away on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Presbyterian Church, 205 N. 24th Street in Denison.
Call 712-263-4130 for more information.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 ‒ 5:00 p.m.
Council Chambers ‒ Denison, Iowa
- approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 06/01/2021
- approve the bills as presented
- approve Cash & Activity Report – May 2021
- approve Budget Report – May 2021
- approve tobacco license(s) for: Ampride Truck Plaza, Casey’s General Store, The Pub, Denison Country Store, Dollar General, Fareway Stores, Inc, Hy-Vee Food Store, HyVee Wine & Spirits, Pronto, Walmart; Tienda El Mexicano; approve tobacco license(s) pending forms/payment: Beer Thirty, One Stop Shop
- approve solid waste hauler licenses for: Absolute Investment Group, Bohlmann & Sons, Carroll Refuse Service, Denison Disposal, Green RU, R&S Waste Disposal
- approve Draw #4 for Region XII – CDBG Housing grant
- Public Forum – limit 5 minutes
- Discussion and possible motion on P&Z recommendation – steel roofs
- Report from CDC Tourism coordinator – Shani Bonner
- Motion to re-appoint: Rod Bradley and Tom Brungardt to Board of Adjustments; Lisa Hicks and Evan Blakely to Housing Board
- Discussion on amending ordinance to allow someone outside city limits to be on the Parks & Rec Board
- Motion to make an appointment to fill Ward 1 Council vacancy
- Possible Oath of Office – Ward 1 Council appointment
- Motion to approve Special Event Permit for Red, White & Boom
- Motion to approve Special Event Permit for Hot Summer Nights
- Motion to hire Administrative Assistant
- Motion to approve resolution setting public hearing on proposed specs, form of contract for FEMA river embankment project
- Motion to approve Flood Dept. employee job description and move supervision to the Fire Chief
- Discussion on amending Chapter 171.06 – Opaque Barrier
- Motion to approve increase in Frazier Contracting quote for the basement for the Homes for Iowans on Ave C
- Discussion and possible motion on renewing the agreement with CDC for tourism services
- Motion to approve Resolution approving 20-21 Fiscal Year End transfers
- Motion to approve Resolution setting wages effective July 1, 2021
- Motion to authorize the City Clerk to pay bills through 6-30-2021
- Mayor Report
- City Manager Report
- Adjournment
The Market in the Park is held weekly on Saturdays at Washington Park, 1700-1798 3rd Ave S, in Denison from 9am-1pm. Market in the Park is open to food producers as well as local artisans, craftsmen and small businesses with no admission charge for attendees. Vendor applications available at the CDC office, 18 S. Main St., Denison or on the Market in the Park Facebook page. Market in the Park is a nonprofit, volunteer run organization. For more information about this event, please call 712.269.6796 or email
The Market in the Park is held weekly on Saturdays at Washington Park, 1700-1798 3rd Ave S, in Denison from 9am-1pm. Market in the Park is open to food producers as well as local artisans, craftsmen and small businesses with no admission charge for attendees. Vendor applications available at the CDC office, 18 S. Main St., Denison or on the Market in the Park Facebook page. Market in the Park is a nonprofit, volunteer run organization. For more information about this event, please call 712.269.6796 or email
Meeting was moved from June 24 to July 1.
The Market in the Park is held weekly on Saturdays at Washington Park, 1700-1798 3rd Ave S, in Denison from 9am-1pm. Market in the Park is open to food producers as well as local artisans, craftsmen and small businesses with no admission charge for attendees. Vendor applications available at the CDC office, 18 S. Main St., Denison or on the Market in the Park Facebook page. Market in the Park is a nonprofit, volunteer run organization. For more information about this event, please call 712.269.6796 or email
For more information please contact Shani Bonner at 712-263-6622.