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EPA Brownfields Program in Denison

Brownfields are underutilized or abandoned properties where future development is complicated by the perception or actual presence of environmental contaminants. The sites are often avoided by private investors due to lingering financial and/or legal concerns. Examples of common brownfields include former gas stations, dry cleaners, auto repair shops, manufacturing operations, warehouses, or illegal dumping areas.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Brownfields Program is designed to empower states, cities, tribes, communities, and other stakeholders in economic redevelopment to work together in a timely manner to assess, safely cleanup, and sustainably reuse brownfields. EPA awarded the City of Denison a $400,000 Community-Wide Assessment Grant in 2022. These funds allow the City to inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct cleanup planning
on targeted brownfields.


Financial resources:
• Environmental assessments at no cost for eligible properties
Technical resources:
• Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for qualifying sites
• Redevelopment planning for qualifying projects Coordination assistance with state and federal agencies

Click for more information.
Denison Brownfields Assessment Status Web Application

On Friday, February 16, 2023, City of Denison staff and Mayor traveled to Waterloo to meet with Waterloo City officials, HR Green staff, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and the US Environmental Protection Agency.  The panel (pictured below) toured numerous Waterloo Brownfield sites and held discussions on how to utilize Denison’s current Brownfield grant funds.